Wednesday 18th December 2024  

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Village Groundsman

 Danny Stevens, groundsman Danny Stevens is the groundsman, not only for Stafford Orchard, but also for the other green spaces in the village including Caves Field, the Banks and the Memorial Garden at The Cross.

Danny is a qualified horticulturalist who loves nature and wildlife. You will see Danny working around the village or in the park. He has a workshop in the building adjacent to the old Lock Up, but most likely Danny will be working in the park.

As part of the initial project, a ten year Management and Maintenance Plan was designed to help keep the park in tip top condition and to ensure that nothing is missed. Danny implements this and adds to it so that the village can continue to develop the park environment.

Danny would be happy to talk to you, so please introduce yourself when you next see him. You can pass on your views of the park, both positive and negative, but if you wish to raise anything formally, please contact Quorn Parish Council.

 Heritage Lottery Funded
Untitled Document
 Quorn History
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 graphic - What's On in Quorn Village What's On in Quorn Village
Review the village calendar, and add your event.
 graphic - Quorn Business Sponsors Quorn Business Sponsors
Village businesses that help to support this website
 child on a swing in Stafford Orchard Stafford Orchard
Information about Quorn's park in the village centre.
 old Quorn coin - quorn village museum  (external website) Quorn Village Museum
External website featuring Quorn photographs and documents.