Tuesday 16th July 2024  

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Girlguiding UK - Quorn District

Quorn became a separate new district within Girlguiding Leicestershire in 2003 consisting of 6 units:

  • 2 Rainbow units for girls 5-7 years
  • 2 Brownie units for girls 7-10 years
  • A guide unit for girls from 10 years
  • A Ranger unit for young ladies from 13plus.

Both Rainbow units re-opened in 2003 and enjoyed a lively time with a Summer BBQ and Christmas Party where Santa was a surprise visitor. Their first Promise evening was very special with all the Rainbows taking their Promise together and the Brownies got involved serving refreshments.

The two Brownie units continue to flourish with one of the units having recruited two new Guiders and 5 Unit Helpers. 2003 was an important year for Brownies with a completely new Programme and Uniform being introduced. All the Brownie Guiders have been trained on the new programme and are now using the new books and ideas in their meetings.

As usual though they enjoyed the annual pack holiday and outings including visits to the Mayor of Charnwood which has become a very enjoyable regular event and visits to the Police Station and Fire Station to help gain interest badges, a treasure hunt and fun outings to the Pantomime, Cinema and theme parks ensured the Brownies and their leaders continue to have fun and ensure a secure future for Quorn District.

Brownies were 90 years old in 2004 !!
Quorn celebrated with a big party in the Summer. Guides have had another busy year. As well as continuing to work through various Go For It's part of the Guide Programme, they have had a Wild West night, a trip to Oak FM radio station, and a walk with hot dogs at the end. In September 2003, 10 new Guides joined, and luckily we also found three unit helpers to assist in running the unit which now has 30 girls.

Quorn has a very lively Ranger unit who meet on a Thursday at the Baptist Church in a very comfy room where their favoured activities include cooking, eating, talking and sleepovers along with the more traditional guiding activities. This term they are actively fundraising for a breast cancer charity along with other Ranger units in the county. The Rangers have invited their parents and the Guiders in Quorn to a supper in March so they can show us how they have been raising the funds. They know of course with a promise of food they can expect a good turn out.

Adult Volunteers needed
You may have read in the local and national press articles highlighting the shortage of adult volunteers and the plight of our waiting lists. Indeed Quorn District has babies on its waiting lists.

Guiding has changed of course over the years but remains the largest voluntary organisation for girls in Britain with more than 600,000 members. Quorn District has the same problem locally and is desperately short of adult leaders to help within the existing units and more importantly be willing to either open new units or make it possible for the current leaders to open new units in all sections but particularly Guides and Rangers.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to offer places to all girls wanting to join the movement or even move into the next section. For the leaders it is a very difficult decision to turn girls away. Quorn has excellent units and we see it as a compliment that more and more girls want to join in the fun.

So if you can offer support at all with the usual plea - it's only an hour a week !! please do come forward, you would be made most welcome and we can guarantee without any problem that you will ENJOY it.

Contact us
Please contact us by email - quornwaitinglists@gmail.com

Untitled Document
 Quorn History
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 graphic - What's On in Quorn Village What's On in Quorn Village
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 graphic - Quorn Business Sponsors Quorn Business Sponsors
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 child on a swing in Stafford Orchard Stafford Orchard
Information about Quorn's park in the village centre.
 old Quorn coin - quorn village museum  (external website) Quorn Village Museum
External website featuring Quorn photographs and documents.