Saturday 21st September 2024  

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Quorn Open Gardens

 Open Gardens The event lasts for two afternoons. Although it can vary year to year, some 20 gardens are often open to the public, some on both days, some for one or the other. Opening on just one day allows the garden owners to do a little espionage around the village.

Many garden owners sell plants, and some provide refreshments and cakes.

The gardens are scattered around the village, some in clusters and some out on their own. Quorn is a large village, so getting between gardens at opposite ends of the village can take time. It's quite walkable, but a bike is handy and you can even drive - there are very few parking restrictions in the village and you can often park very close to each garden - invaluable if your walking is restricted.

Dates and Further Information

See our entry on the Open Gardens National Directory for up to date information.

Untitled Document
 Quorn History
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 graphic - What's On in Quorn Village What's On in Quorn Village
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 graphic - Quorn Business Sponsors Quorn Business Sponsors
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 child on a swing in Stafford Orchard Stafford Orchard
Information about Quorn's park in the village centre.
 old Quorn coin - quorn village museum  (external website) Quorn Village Museum
External website featuring Quorn photographs and documents.